Everything You Need to Know About Sawubona
Working with Students & Families in Bridgeport, CT
Utilizing expressive arts like drawing, drumming, movement, writing, music, and gardening builds resilience and improves mental health.
We See You
“We are tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one affects all indirectly.” - MLK Jr.
This is the spirit of Ubuntu, “I am because we are.” It stresses our interdependence.
Sawubona is a greeting between Zulus and is translated as, “We see you.” Whether it is a single person meeting another or a group, it acknowledges that lineage and ancestors are now represented.

How We Came to Be
We are a nonprofit organization striving to address mental health needs and support the resiliency of youth and their families. The idea took shape as several concerned citizens saw the inequities in our system through the lens of the pandemic. Together we wish to be agents of change, capitalizing on our differences, talents, and life experiences to focus on young people who are too often overlooked until they and their families are at a breaking point.
We have begun doing. You can help us do more.
You can help by underwriting a portion of our Gala costs, purchasing tickets or advertising space in our journal, and consider asking people with whom you do business to do the same. We will accept donations of any size, and encourage you to check whether your employer will match your donation.
Dr. Charles Morgan
After 35 years of rewarding work in psychiatry in NY & CT, I was contemplating how to create a meaningful retirement. I was keenly aware that Bridgeport had supported my career for over 20 years.
It felt like it was time to give back.
Drawing on my experience providing short-term, trauma-focused missions to South Africa and Jamaica with an energetic and knowledgeable group of clinicians, ideas began to form of ways to intervene early in the lives of Bridgeport youth. My ideas caught the eye of Andrew Gerber, MD, Ph.D., CEO and the President of Silver Hill Hospital. Together we set about putting a curriculum and finding a school with which to work.
Sawubona was born.
We now have an active board and an able partner in Great Oaks Charter School. Our spring after-school program is thriving, and a one-week summer camp is in the final planning stages. As president of Sawubona Foundation, I am personally inviting you to help our efforts by supporting our Gala Night. We also encourage donations of any amount to Sawubona.
Contact: +1 (203) 290-1746